Social Casino - More than just your average casino experience

In 2017, the social casino industry generated over $3 billion and current predictions see the industry rising to over $5.5 billion by 2022. Research conducted by Super Research estimated that 20% of all social gamers – play social casino games. It appears that everyone plays mobile games now and the guys & gals at Zarzilla love to make them!

What is Social Casino?

A social casino is an online platform in which players can play their popular casino card games like Black Jack, Poker, Roulette, and Slot Machines. The focus is on the social components with players being able to interact with each other, post their big wins, compete in exciting tournaments, and challenge their friends.


The key motivation for playing at a social casino is – surprise, surprise – the social component. A truly social casino involves absolutely zero real money gambling and there is no means to win money in any fashion. This is, of course, the point. Social casinos offer the glitzy, exciting, and glamourous casino gaming experience with none of the financial risk.

Why can’t casino games be played without wagering any real money? The popularity of social casinos is evidence enough that the games themselves are exciting and the thrill of wagering real money is only a small component of the overall experience.

Social casino card games are more than just mere no real money gambling versions of your favourite casino titles. We generally think of only gambling when we think of poker, gin, baccarat or even bingo. But why can’t these games be played for fun? Moreover, why can’t these games be as exciting as any other social game on your smartphone?!

The Fun Factory

Zarzilla, at the forefront of social experience games and gamification of casino card games, is home to just this. Fun, thrilling games that feature more than just card games - but also challenges, unique experiences, progression, and a safe space to compete against the world.

Leader boards, high scores, unlocking rooms and tables, exclusive content… Videogame or social casino? If you walk into a physical, land-based casino everything is open to you and where’s the fun in that. You want reward. You need a sense of achievement and a reason to play a bit of everything.

Enter social casino – Keep the best tables locked so you have to play the smaller tables to unlock them. Your skills will grow, your level will rise, and your sense of achievement will be immense. Defeat 100 opponents to finally reach the legendary table and face only the best players in the world. This is the gamified casino experience.


Join in the Fun!!

Leading the charge in the free to play, gamified social casino is Zarzilla’s Casinozilla and Gin Rummy Super. Casinozilla, a monstrously large online casino experience with challenges, raging tournaments, engaging social features, and an ever-growing catalogue of the best casino card games. Gin Rummy Super is the ultimate way to play one of the most renowned card games, the world over! Overcome challenges, defeat friend and foe in PvP battle, Climb the global leaderboard, and collect as many gems as humanly possible – Gin Rummy Super is not your ordinary social card game.

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